Thursday, April 27, 2017

1st Engine Run!!!

 Another big milestone today - 1st engine start. But before we could do that there were a few things we needed to accomplish.  First I filled the coolant system. Then since I had the help of N at the hangar we placed the canopy seal. I then installed the air filters and safety wired them. Then with the help of T and N we purged the oil as per SI-912-018. We then added 4 gallons of fuel, checked for leaks and did the gascolator test. Everything seemed so go well.

It was then time for the 1st engine run. We pulled the plane out of the hangar, chocked it and tied it to my vehicle. The first few turns of the started the engine didn't start, but then I realized I had failed to turn on the ignition switches. I turned them over and then the engine started right up. First checked for oil pressure - PASSED. Then I set RPMs at about 2200, watching oil temp and pressure. The oil pressure gauge showed some pressure for a short time and then the gauge had a big X over it. Over the next several minutes it would sometimes come on and then show and X. I never was able to confirm a oil temp reading of 120.

I also noticed that the CHT2 gauge showed a big X.  Also the fuel PSI would be up in the green for a bit and then drop down below 2 psi. It would fluctuate being in the green and then drop into the red.  These are items I need to troubleshoot.

Overall it was a good day, but a little discouraging that there were some gauge issues.  See video below of engine start and also some screen shots of the gauges.

Time 4.5 hrs

Canopy Seal

Installation of air filters

Here is a short video of the 1st engine start:

Beginning of engine

Another view

Oil PSI in green, Fuel PSI dropping

Oil temp dropping., Fuel PSI low

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