Friday, April 28, 2017

2nd/3rd Engine start

It was a day of troubleshooting. I first tried to track down what was wrong with the CHT2. I removed and cross tested the wires. CHT1 wire worked on both sensors, so it had to be a wiring issue. I checked the wire with a multimeter from the sensor connection to the pin on the FWD fuselage harness and it seemed to be fine. So there must be something going with the control module or GEA. It is over my head so I will need to solicit some help in figuring it out.

I then tried to figure out why the transponder wasn't showing. It had when I had originally configured it. After a few minutes it just started working. Maybe it just took some time to connect.

I removed the plastic on the canopy. Doesn't it look pretty? I also did the ADAHRS pitch, calibration. Once I did that then the autopilot showed up on the G3X. I tested the autopilot engage and release. Everything worked fine.

I hooked up the carbmate and then attempted with the 2nd engine start. Engine started and the oil temp soon had a big X again. The fuel PSI flucuated into the red some again, but after a couple minutes seemed to stabilize in the green. The CHT2 is still an X. I did some adjustments of the carbs. Each time having to turn off the engine since by myself. After a bit the battery voltage seemed to be low, so I decided to give the engine a break and charge up the battery again. I checked the lifter and there were a few that were soft.  This is what I showed: Cyl 1 - Aft lifted, Cyl 3 - Fore lifted., Cyl 4 - Lifed a little, Cyl 1 - Lifted a little. I decided to go ahead and try running the engine for 5 minutes at 3500 RPM as per SI.

The 3rd run up went ok.  I warmed the engine up again, not really knowing what oil temp was since X'ed out, but figured it had to be high enough after running it for several minutes. I increase RPM to 3500 for 5 minutes. I noticed on the carbmate that it was in sync even at the finest setting, but when I lowered the RPM again to 2200 it showed a little off. I will fine tune this at a later date.  I checked the lifters again and still showed soft lifters on all cylinders. I may need to go through the purge process again.
A few screen 

Time: 4.75 hrs

Canopy Plastic removed

Lifters Cyl #1

Aft lifter Cylinder #1

Fore lifter cylinder #3

Carb sync at 3500 RPM

Carb sync at 2200 RPM (sorry for blurriness)

Carb sync at 2200 RPM, finer setting (again sorry for blurriness)
No oil temp, Fuel PSI low

No Oil temp

Thursday, April 27, 2017

1st Engine Run!!!

 Another big milestone today - 1st engine start. But before we could do that there were a few things we needed to accomplish.  First I filled the coolant system. Then since I had the help of N at the hangar we placed the canopy seal. I then installed the air filters and safety wired them. Then with the help of T and N we purged the oil as per SI-912-018. We then added 4 gallons of fuel, checked for leaks and did the gascolator test. Everything seemed so go well.

It was then time for the 1st engine run. We pulled the plane out of the hangar, chocked it and tied it to my vehicle. The first few turns of the started the engine didn't start, but then I realized I had failed to turn on the ignition switches. I turned them over and then the engine started right up. First checked for oil pressure - PASSED. Then I set RPMs at about 2200, watching oil temp and pressure. The oil pressure gauge showed some pressure for a short time and then the gauge had a big X over it. Over the next several minutes it would sometimes come on and then show and X. I never was able to confirm a oil temp reading of 120.

I also noticed that the CHT2 gauge showed a big X.  Also the fuel PSI would be up in the green for a bit and then drop down below 2 psi. It would fluctuate being in the green and then drop into the red.  These are items I need to troubleshoot.

Overall it was a good day, but a little discouraging that there were some gauge issues.  See video below of engine start and also some screen shots of the gauges.

Time 4.5 hrs

Canopy Seal

Installation of air filters

Here is a short video of the 1st engine start:

Beginning of engine

Another view

Oil PSI in green, Fuel PSI dropping

Oil temp dropping., Fuel PSI low

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Prop Pitch (G4), Static/pitot tests (G5), Data Plate

Started today with getting the air hose connections ready for the oil purge.  I then continued work on PAP G4 checking prop pitch.  My angles were a little off. One showed about 71.2 and the other about 71.8. So each were adjusted to the recommended 71.4 +/- 0.1. 

I then tested the static and pitot tubes as per PAP G5. A tube and syringe were placed over one static port with modeling clay while the other was covered with tape. Suction was applied and timing was recorded to see how fast the altitude on the EFIS dropped. The max allowed was 100 ft in one minute. Mine recorded between 300-460 seconds for each 100 ft drop. Static PASSED.

The pitot tube was then tested. Again I attached a syringe and tube to the pitot tube and applied pressure and measure time of airspeed drop on EFIS. At first the airspeed dropped quite rapidly so there had to be a leak somewhere. I check the safety wire connection at the aft of pitot tube. I also decided to place safety wire on the pitot tube connections in panel. I then retested. In doing so I also pushed the tubing on the syringe more (which may have been the only issue in the first place). Pressure was applied and timing recorded. The  max allowed is 10 kt per minute. My times were between 380-400 seconds per 10 kt drop. Pitot PASSED.

I also got a call that my data plate was ready to be picked up from the engravers. As per the DAR the only required entries are the Manufacturer, Model, and Serial number so that was lines I had engraved. I returned to the hangar and installed it on the plane as per plans.

I need to have a few other people available to do the oil purge, so as soon as I can get that done I will be able to start the engine and go through the other tests.

Time: 3.5 hrs

Air hose setup for oil purging

Prop pitch check

Prop pitch side 1

Prop pitch side 2

Add caption

Safety wire pitot connection in panel

Data Plate installed

Monday, April 24, 2017

Trim Wire adjustment

After some research online I decided that the wires for the trim in the #31 & 32 position needed to be switched.  So I removed the G3X and switched the wires, put everything back together and tested the trim movement. It moves as I would consider more properly now. When trim up is pushed it will pitch the plane up (not move trim trailing edge of the trim tab up).  I then adjusted the trim speed to get about 29 seconds from stop to stop.

Time: 1.45 hrs.

Trim wire #31 & 32 switched

Friday, April 21, 2017


I got started today with switching the landing lights wires. I had found that wires #213 & 214 were switched so I relocated them and the landing light is now steady when selected for steady and pulsing when selected for pulsing.

I started working on the PAP's. T helped me some through the process. We went through most of G1. The lights and brakes passed. I did notice the trim moved faster then recommended, so I will have to adjust that. I also noticed that the trim seemed to be moving in the opposite direction as should be. (In further research it may be that the plans on page 31B-04 may be incorrect for the wires in #31 & 32 position.)

Most of PAP G2 was then checked working with the flight controls. The cable tension was re-checked and adjusted,

G3 seats and restraints were checked.

G4 cowl was taken off and throttle, choke, and cabin heat was checked. The spinner was then taken off. An oil purge needs to be performed, so I need to do some research as to how to properly do the purge and what supplies are needed.

During our work day today the boys and S came out for dinner. It was enjoyable having them around. B and S even mowed the lawn for me!

Time: 6.5 hrs

T helping with PAP procedures

Boys Eating dinner

Taking off lower cowl

T and A trying out the plane

B and a friend trying out the plane

B watching a plane go by while mowing

Removing spinner

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Wing lights, Canopy adj., Canopy seal, N#, Start config

It was a good day at the hangar today.  I first started by installing the wing lights and the cover to the landing light.  

I then did some more adjustments on the canopy as I wasn't completely happy with how it closed. I found some more interference on the UL corner of the G3X and did some adjustments to the canopy bar, canopy, and corner of G3X. I also had to make some minor adjustments to the canopy latch handle to allow it to close without to much strain. It seemed to be positioned about 1/8" too high which caused it to angle down when trying to latch. So I position it a little lower to make it more level when latching. I also slightly hammered with a wood block the left side skin (turtle neck) edge to allow the canopy to close better on the left side. At this point I think I am happy with how it closes now.

I also verified the wing gap that is required for the wing seal. The instructions say to not install seal until after paint to I will delay installation of seal for now. There were a few areas that needed some adjustment.

I then tried in the canopy seal retainer. Small adjustments were made on the retainer and then it was primed and painted.

The N#'s were then installed on the vertical stabilizer.

Then onto the next BIG step: Turning on power. I hooked up the ground cable to the battery. I then turned on the master switch. The G3X booted up and the fuel pump was running. I turned off the master and removed the fuel pump fuse. I started going through some of the steps of PAP G1.  I tested the lights. They all work except the Landing light pulse and steady are reversed, so I will have to switch the wiring at the light (should be a simple fix). I then starting installing the config files as per PAP and file. Garmin software version 5.30 was installed and then RV12 base config file R10 and Autopilot R2 was installed.  There is more configuring such as the ADAHRS, Magnetometer, etc., but that has to be done after engine start.  Oh and but the way, the G3X looks awesome! 

Time: 5 hrs.

Left wing light installed

Right wing light installed

Landing light cover

N# placed

G3X first start
Light switches

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Move Wings

We got another break in the weather so I moved the wings over with the help of S. I also took over some work tables and other tool and supplies.  We installed the wings without to much issue. Looking forward to more "HANGAR" time as I get the plane ready for inspection and first flight.

Time: 1.5 hrs

Moving wings to hangar
Wings installed

Wings installed

The plane and I

Plane in hangar

View from hangar

Monday, April 17, 2017

Wing light extensions

Worked on the wing light extensions. Started by clecoing the extension then adding electrical tape around the lower edge. Fuel sealant was then place under the lower edge and then the extension riveted as per plans.  I also loaded and secure the work benches and got all the other supplies and tools ready to go to the hangar.

Time: 2 hrs

Taping around wing extensions

Fuel sealant added

Work benches loaded

Saturday, April 15, 2017


Today was the big day. MOVING DAY!!!!!!  The weather finally cooperated so the roads would be dry to get the plane to the hangar. I had the help of 3 of my kids. Everything went smoothly.  We got it unloaded and put into my hangar, just in time for one of my boys soccer game.

After we arrived back home I worked on trimming the wing skins to allow room for the seal. The wings were then loaded onto the trailer. Once we get some nice weather again they will be taken to the hangar.

Time: 2.5 hrs

Ready to leave shop

Backing into hangar


B and plane

RV12 in hangar

Plane and I

My helping hands

Wing skin trim

Wings loaded onto trailer