Thursday, January 21, 2016

Control stick wiring

I worked quite a bit today on the control sticks, but before starting with them I finished up the right side wing electrical bracket and plate.

 I had ordered a few different hand grips, but none of them seemed to work right or fit.  I made a little trip to our local Bi-mart as we don't have a bike shop close by.  Bi-mart just happened to have some grips that might work.  I purchased them, brought them home, and put them on the sticks.  They don't look too bad.  Then the part of drilling the end cap for the PTT came. The end caps that came with the grips had some issues when drilling as by the time the hole was big enough for the PTT all the retention of the end caps was gone.  Thinking I would have to buy another set, I remembered the ones I had already bought and ended up using a set of the those end caps.  The PTT was placed on the end caps. Then I spent a challenging 2 hours trying to get the wires through the stick.  Not an easy process. The first one look quite a bit longer than the second. I don't know if the second one was easier or if I just figured out how to get it done.

The sticks were then placed into position and the ground wires were finished.  I am short on a few of the spade connectors, so I will need to order some to finish this part of the plans.

Time: 4 hrs.

Right side wing electrical bracket

Right side cover plate

Control stick with grips

Control sticks with PTT

Control sticks in place

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