Monday, January 30, 2017

Cooling System 2

Continued work on the cooling system. I applied RTV to create the cooler box door gasket. I also placed RTV in a few other areas around the engine where parts might rub. 

Time: 0.5 hrs.

Cooler door box

RTV added

RTV added

RTV added

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Cooling System 1

I was able to get a good start on the cooling system. I started by cutting lengths of radiator hose and placing springs in them as per plans. I then worked on the cooler box assembly by cutting the stainless steel hinge and attaching the cooler box assembly to firewall.

I need to purchase some more high temp RTV sealant to create the seal so I skipped a few steps for now and installed the oil tank assembly.  The oil vent was installed. It required placing a cushion clamp at the location of the gascolator. This was very tricky as there wasn't much room to work in, but I finally got it accomplished.

The overflow bottle was installed along with the overflow tubing which then attached to stem on the expansion tank assembly.

Time: 3

Cooler box face & hinge

Cooling box structure installed

Oil tank assembly

Oil vent line

Oil vent line in cushion clamp

Overflow bottle

Overflow bottle hose attached

Friday, January 27, 2017

Exhaust System

Started and finished exhaust system today. First place and loosely tightened nuts for exhaust pipes. The springs were then used to attach the muffler. The lower cowl was placed to check for clearance of opening. The muffler was positioned so that there was adequate clearance between muffler pipe and cowl. The nuts were then torqued as per plans. The EGT probes were placed with hose clamps and the wire ran as per plans. I then spent a few moments going through and placing zip ties to wires in the engine area to get them cleaned up.

Time: 1.75 hrs

Left side muffler

Right side muffler

Lower cowl in place

Exhaust hole clearance checked

Left EGT probe

Right EGT Probe

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Cowl Complete

Completed section 38 today. Started by riveting all the hinges to the cowlings. The cowling were then put in place and edges sanded to fit. Plans call for 1/32 inch gap.The 6 holes in front of the cowling were enlarged and nutplates riveted to the lower cowl. The oil door opening was cut in the upper cowling and the oil door fabricated and riveted into place.There was a slight interference with the door opening so it required a little removal of the upper edge of the door.  The lower close out was then made per plans and nutplates attached.  It is nice to have this section done. Now I can get back to doing engine work. 

Time: 4.5 hrs

Riveting side hinges
Cowls in place

Nutplates attached on lower cowl

Oil Door opening

Oil door set in place

Camlock receptacles

Oil Door attached

Bottom closeout

Upper and Lower cowl finished

Friday, January 20, 2017

Cowl Hinged Drilled

Worked on drilling the cowl hinges.This required making sure the edges of the cowl lined up well and then holes were drilled using the marked previously made on the hinges.

Time: 1 hr.

Cowl hinges drilled

Cowl Hinged drilled.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Cowl fitting

Worked more on the cowl today. Sanded edges of lower cowl and matched the lower and upper cowl. Holes were drilled in front of cowl as per plans. The lower cowl was then put in place and holes drilled and clecoed as per plans. The side hinges were drilled. The upper cowl then fit in place.
Time: 4hrs.

Cowl Fitting

Lower Cowl placed

Side hinged drilled

Top cowl fitting

Monday, January 2, 2017

Cowling trim / hinges

It is a little harder getting out to the shop as it is cold outside. Luckily I have a heater in the shop so I can warm it up some, but it does take some time. I try to find work sessions that will last more than a few minutes to warrant warming up the shop.

I worked on the hinge halves that will go to the cowling. They were cut and marks were placed for future drilling. The eyelets on the curves were beveled.  I installed the hinge halves with hinge pins and fluted around the curve.

I think worked on trimming the cowling to the scribe line. The upper one was trimmed with dremel and then hand sanded to the line. The lower was trimmed with the dremel but will have to wait until next time to get it sanded to the scribe line. Not my favorite part of the project but doable.

Time: 2.5 hrs.

Cowling hinges

Cowling trimmed