Friday, October 28, 2016

Canopy tryin

Worked on trying on the canopy and adjusting any interference. The area in front of the canopy bolt needed adjustment several times, so with the help of N. we were able to finally get it to not rub.

The new metal canopy struts had rusted some since after drilling them. Probably got to hot with the drill and removed paint. So I sanded, primed and painted the ends.

The canopy was then tried in with the previous struts and looks pretty good.

Time: 2.5 hrs

Forward edge needing trimmed

Rusting canopy struts

Primed & Painted canopy struts

Canopy installed

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Prime canopy

Spent some time today sanding and priming the canopy fiberglass.  Although there is still a few spots that need some touch up it will do for now and I think overall looks pretty good.

Time: 1 hr

Canopy primed

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Sand canopy 3

I did quite a bit of sanding of the canopy trying to get it ready to place primer. I worked on feathering the edges the touch metal on the canopy sides. I was able to get a good start on the final sanding, but more will have to be done another day.

Time: 1.5 hrs.

No photos. 

Friday, October 21, 2016

Fuel vent line, canopy sanding

I spent some time today on the fuel system. I installed the fuel tank enough so that I could work on the fuel vent. The vent lines were installed as per plans. I then re-installed the flap handle now that it is painted.

I also worked on sanding the canopy and applying another coat of epoxy.

Time: 2.25 hrs.

Fuel tank in place

Fuel vent installed

Flap handle re-installed

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Canopy sanding, paint flap handle

I sanded the canopy and then placed a layer of epoxy. I then painted the flap handle and the detent bracket.

Time: 0.75 hrs.

Epoxy layer

Painted flap handle

Painted flap detent bracket

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Prime fuel tank, SB 16-08-24, canopy trim, interior paint

Quite a bit got accomplished today. Started by drilling out the holes in the canopy to gain access to the bolts. I drilled a little too low initially, but those areas can be filled in later.  I was then able to remove the canopy after a lot of careful work loosening up the edges. Tape and paper was removed from fuselage. It took some work with acetone to get the remnants of the duct tape off the metal.

I then primed the fuel tank and installed the safety wire on the seat backs.  I worked on the canopy catch removing the rivets as per update and installing catch. I also worked on SB 16-08-24 since I still had good access to the engine mount brackets.  The rivets were replaced with new as per SB.

I then marked and trimmed the canopy and filled in some voids.

There was a new flap knob that could be placed to minimize pinching of fingers, so I installed it. I then tried in the interior to look and see what areas needed painted as I am only painting the interior in the locations that are not covered by the interior package. Once taking note of the areas to paint I taped off the interior and primed and painted.

Time: 9.25 hrs.
Drill holes in canopy

Seat back safety wire

Canopy off

tape removed

Rivets removed for canopy catch

Upper FWD fuselage removed

Rivets removed

New rivets installed

Bottom trim line marked

Template placed

Template traced
Canopy trimmed

Voids filled in

Flap knob replaced

New flap knob installed

Canopy catch installed

Seat cushion tried in

Carpet tried in

Control stick

Power plug area
Seat belt connection

Interior tried in

Seat hinges

Head phone jack

Interior taped

Interior painted

Monday, October 10, 2016

Canopy Fiberglass 9

No photos today. Just spent some more time sanding and filling the fiberglass on the canopy.

Time: 1 hr.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Canopy Fiberglass 8

I placed a layer of epoxy on the edge of the fiberglass near the tape line. I also filled in some voids with thicken epoxy.

Time: 0.5 hrs

layer of epoxy on edge

Friday, October 7, 2016

Canopy Fiberglass 7

I sanded some more on the canopy today. I sanded the edge enough to remove the first layer of electrical tape and then used 150 grit to sand to the edge.

Time: 1.75 hrs. 



Monday, October 3, 2016

Canopy fiberglass 6, Tailcone nutplates

I added a layer of fiberglass across the front of the canopy to replace the one that the epoxy didn't harden. I also added epoxy to fill in some voids in the fiberglass.

I then match drilled the tailcone nutplates with an extended bit. The nutplates and holes were then dimpled and nuteplates riveted into place.

Time: 1.75 hrs

Layer of fiberglass added

Tailcone nutplates in place.