Monday, August 31, 2015

Start bottom skin

Not much time to work today, but did squeeze a little time to attach the nutplate to the access holes on the bottom skins and start clecoing the bottom skin in place.

Time: 0.75 hrs.

Nutplates added to bottom skin

Start of clecoing bottom skin to fuselage

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Control column / step ribs / corner skins

Got some help today from my wonderful oldest two children.   We started by added nutplates to the seat floor flange.  My children then carefully placed and bolted the control column as per plans.  Step ribs were then riveted in place. and bushings placed in the fuselage as per plans.  Care taken into getting the right bushing in the right hole.  The corner skins were then prepared and riveted to the fuselage.  I finished the day by preparing the bottom stiffeners and doublers. Great work happens with many hands.

Time: 2.25 hrs.

Nutplates attached to seat rib flange

Current look of fuselage

Control column bolted in place

Step ribs

Bushings added

Corner skins placed

Bottom stiffeners and doublers prepared

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Lots accomplished today. Started by drilling out the holes in the bulkhead as per plans. The bulkhead flange was then riveted. The stub spar receptacles were fitted to the spar and then riveted in place.  Doublers and control column assemblies were then added to the bulkhead.  Nut plates were added to the bulkhead. The bulkhead was riveted to the sseat ribs and the seat ramp floors were placed.

Time: 3.5 hrs.

Bulkhead flange riveted

Bulkhead doubler riveted

Control column assembly and stub spar receptacle

Lots of nutplates

Bulkhead doubler

Bulkhead assembly riveted to the sear ribs.

Seat Ramps

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Control column mount assembly / stub spar support

The past month has been busy with spending time on 2 big boy scout adventures with my son and other family duties. There is always something to do outside while the weather is good. So it makes it hard to keep the plane project moving, but now I am back at it and it feels good. My goal is to get the fuselage completed by the end of the year. We will see if that will be accomplished.

Today I spent a small amount of time getting the parts of the control column mount assemblies prepared and parts riveted together. The bulkhead flanges and stub spar receptacle supports were then prepared.

Time: 1 hr.

Control column mount assembly

Bulkhead flanges / Stub spar receptacle support