Well it has been a rough day on the RV12 build. T and N helped me today. First we spent an hour this morning building a tail cone cradle. It turned out pretty good. We then attached the VS and rudder to the tail cone. That went fairly smoothly. We then spend about 2 hours attaching the stabilator to the tail cone. We previous had super glued washers onto the hinge bracket as per instructions, but the fit was tight on the outside, so the washers broke loose. It is a very hard area to get to. We super glued the washers again and after several attempts we were able to get the stabilator attached.
N and I then worked on getting the AST assemblies attached. N noticed that there was blue pastic still in the AST assemblies. OOPS!!! Don't know how that happened. We then spend about an hour removing rivets, disassembling, removing plastic and reassembling the AST assemblies. We then tried attaching them to the stabilator. We quickly noticed that the right side assembly did not align up right at the hinges. We could tighly get it to fit, but I felt that it was not good to leave it that way. I am going to discuss things with Vans and see how we can correct the problem. I may need to make a whole new AST assembly.
Time: 5 hrs
Tail Cone Cradle |
Attaching Rudder |
Installing washer for stabilator |
Stabilator attachment |
Stabilator attached |
Hinge area |
Blue plastic inside AST assembly. OOPS!!! |
Misalignment of right side AST Hinge |
Right and left side AST Hinges not even. |